May 2021 Newsletter

Can you believe it’s May already? That means it’s Affordable Housing Month! See below for how to connect with Affordable Housing events happening throughout May.

At our last meeting, we got an update on the UC Santa Cruz Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) both as a land use plan and transportation strategy. We are revving up for Housing Elements in the Monterey Bay area - see more below and plan to be a Watchdog. Finally, we reviewed the priority housing bills in the CA legislature that Santa Cruz YIMBY intends to support: SB9, SB10, SB477, SB478, SCA2, AB946 and AB1401.

Next Meeting - May 13 at 5:30PM

Join us for our next meeting on Thursday, May 13 at 5:30PM. Sarah Neuse of the City of Santa Cruz Planning Department will present the Objective Zoning Standards - an opportunity for us to inform new zoning standards for multi-family housing.

Register in advance for the Zoom meeting via the button below. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

Register for Our May Meeting

Graphic Houses and Trees with caption “May is Affordable Housing Month”

Affordable Housing Month - Housing Santa Cruz County

Housing Santa Cruz County has a calendar full of public events (most on Zoom) to highlight affordable housing issues and the impact of the housing crisis on the people that live and work in our local communities. There are presentations/discussions from local agencies and nonprofits on ADUs, RNA/Housing Elements, local projects, state legislation and more!

Take note of the panel presentation on May 20th that Housing Santa Cruz County is co-hosting. It features local leaders - 3 Mayors, 1 Vice Mayor + Chair of Board of Supervisors - discussing their community’s efforts to improve the affordable housing situation.

YIMBY has a few events on the calendar, including

  • May 4 at 5pm - YIMBY Action Affordable Housing Happy Hour Register here.

  • May 13 at 5:30pm - Santa Cruz YIMBY monthly meeting featuring Objective Zoning Standards. Register here.

  • May 19 at 7pm - Santa Cruz YIMBY “Why is the Rent So High” Intro to YIMBY webinar. Get more information here.

Check Out The Affordable Housing Month 2021 Calendar

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In between the Zoom events, get outside for the Self-Guided Bike Tour Map (PDF download) put together by the City of Santa Cruz. It includes recent affordable building properties in Santa Cruz and new ones that are on the horizon. (PS - May is also Bike Month hosted by Ecology Action)

Affordable Housing Month - Reading 📚 and Streaming 🎧

Santa Cruz area map showing parcel outlines with title “Housing Elements”


In our February newsletter, we shared a wonderful 3 minute video about Housing Elements. (Santa Cruz is a lot like Carlsbad...) Here are a few key points about Housing Elements:

➤ California requires cities and counties to periodically adopt (every 8 years) a state-approved plan, called a Housing Element, or how they will build the target number of new housing units or their Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA, pronounced “ree-na”). RHNA allocations are by income levels.

➤ Parts of California already have been issued RHNA numbers by the state and started their work on Housing Elements. Our region, AMBAG (Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments) is on a later timeline, so we expect our RHNA assignment in late 2021 or early 2022. (We have time to learn about NIMBY shenanigans in other areas and plan accordingly…)

➤ Housing Elements are subject to review and approval by Housing and Community Development (HCD). There are consequences this (6th) cycle, such as losing Local Control. By law, cities and counties that don't adopt a timely, substantially compliant Housing Element forfeit their authority to deny housing projects based on zoning code and general plan.

RHNA Progress (5th cycle) Source: HCD Housing Element Implementation and APR Data Dashboard

RHNA Progress (5th cycle) Source: HCD Housing Element Implementation and APR Data Dashboard

Fairness and Equity in Housing Elements

For this Housing Element cycle, YIMBY groups have launched the Campaign for Fair Housing Elements. This campaign advocates for cities to actively plan for diverse housing options that are accessible to people of all backgrounds and income levels using the principles of Fair Housing.

Help as a Housing Element Watchdog

Cities and counties need to do better! Housing Element Watchdogs are the core volunteers of the Campaign for Fair Housing Elements. Watchdogs track Housing Element updates in one or more cities and advocate for good policies and fair housing values. When you become a Watchdog, you’ll become part of a community of Watchdogs across the state who support one another and work together to change the future of housing in California.

Become a Housing Elements Watchdog

Want to Learn More about Housing Elements?


ACTION: Two easy and impactful things to do THIS WEEK


ACTION ALERT: Tell your CA legislators to support these pro-housing bills!