Santa Cruz YIMBY: Vote NO on Measure D
At the monthly meeting in March, we heard the case for and against the Greenway initiative that will be on the Santa Cruz County June ballot. Shortly after the meeting, members of Santa Cruz YIMBY voted in our endorsement process.
Santa Cruz YIMBY members overwhelmingly support a "No" vote on the Greenway initiative.
Santa Cruz YIMBY looks at Measure D/Greenway initiative through the lens of housing and related impacts. We believe Measure D diminishes the possibility of abundant, affordable, and transit-oriented homes along the Santa Cruz Branch Line Corridor, which spans the entire county.
The close connection between work, school, play, and homes is compromised by trail-only as proposed by Measure D and by the explicit removal of rail planning from the general plan entirely.
Measure D would affect our competitiveness for affordable housing money and result in more vehicular traffic both on Highway 1 and in neighborhoods.
We are sensitive to diminished equity in the county by the denial of robust rail transportation between the South and North counties, especially since North County has not built enough housing to meet natural population growth, job growth, and student enrollment.
More information on Measure D: County of Santa Cruz Elections Department