Support Housing at 190 West Cliff

The project at 190 West Cliff will be a great addition to Santa Cruz, but it needs your support! Originally approved by the City Council in 2019, this project has been held up for four years in an appeal to the Coastal Commission. The Commission will hear and decide if they should consider this appeal on July 12th.

Tell the Commission to accept the staff finding of no substantial issue so this project can move forward.

Supports affordable housing

This project will include a total of 10 affordable units with an additional contribution of $500,000 to the city's affordable housing trust fund. All of the affordable units will be made available for purchase for very-low (8) and low (2) income families.

Creates more retail and public space

Enhances the community with an open air public plaza and a locally-sourced market hall. Expect to see more options for getting a quick bite to eat or drink in this area!

Improved Traffic Flows

The project also includes a new roundabout at the Bay & West Cliff intersection, widened sidewalks, and other pedestrian/biking improvements. Furthermore, this project reconfigures the street and extends the bike trail along West Cliff past the Dream Inn creating a safer bicycling experience. Currently the site is a parking lot, tell the Commission that housing people is more important than housing cars!

Staff Findings

From page 43 of the staff report:

In short, the Commission concludes that the appeal contentions do not raise a substantial issue. While it is true that the project does not meet all LCP requirements, it is also true that it does not appear to lead to any significant coastal resource impacts as a result, and thus can be allowed through an application of state density bonus law to the project. And projects like this that can appropriately protect coastal resources while accommodating both housing and affordable housing in developed areas able to handle it are important to help address the acute housing shortages—and especially affordable housing shortages—in our coastal communities. They can also help to relieve pressure for housing projects that might be proposed on the periphery of developed areas, or in rural or sensitive habitat areas, where such projects can raise significant coastal resource concerns.

Thus, and for all of the reasons identified in the findings above, the Commission finds that Appeal Number A-3-STC-19-0208 does not present a substantial issue with respect to the grounds on which the appeals have been filed under Section 30603 of the Coastal Act and declines to take jurisdiction over the CDP application for the project.


To HCD: Santa Cruz YIMBY Comments on City of Santa Cruz Draft Housing Element (May 2023)


July 2023 Newsletter