October 2021 Newsletter
September was FULL!
Governor Newsom had his pen ready to sign lots of housing bills after that pesky recall....Our region got their Regional Housing Needs Determination (RHND), the number of homes that must be planned for in Santa Cruz and Monterey Counties.....The Santa Cruz City Council spent a lot of time on SB35. They studied it, made themselves objective assessors, and then punted the first SB35 affordable housing project, 831 Water St, to October 12th.
Thanks to everyone that came to this event!. The film was short and direct - our history includes exclusionary housing practices and policies that shaped our residential neighborhoods. The discussion afterwards was energizing with a range of experiences and thoughts.
Keep reading for what's coming up in October, housing news from all around the county, details on legislative wins - yahoo! - and the big step forward in Housing Elements, RHND
Oct 5th @ 9:00am: Board of Supervisors meets on county ADU policy. Full agenda packet here. One concern is that proposed policy retains the owner-occupancy requirement after the state law expires.
Oct 6th @ 5:00pm: City of Santa Cruz is hosting a Rail Trail Segments 8 and 9 EIR Scoping Meeting with an opportunity for input. See the meeting notice here including zoom and phone connection info.
Oct 12th @ TBD: Santa Cruz City Council meeting expected on 831 Water St compliance with objective standards. Agenda will be posted here.
Oct 13th @ 5:00pm: Housing Action Coalition's 19th Annual Housing Heroes Awards. See more info here.
Oct 14th @ 5:30pm: Santa Cruz YIMBY monthly meeting - details forthcoming (may be in person!)
Oct 24th @ 1:00pm: Intro to Fair Housing Elements. See more info here.
Oct 26th @ TBD: Santa Cruz City Council meeting expected on large vehicle (RV) parking ordinance. Agenda will be posted here.
Coast Futura will have demo runs of a clean, quiet, zero-emission streetcar on Oct. 16-17 in Watsonville, and Oct. 21-24 in Santa Cruz. Check here for more info.
Governor Newsom survived the recall, and then signed a whole bunch of housing legislation - here are just a few:
SB 9 makes it legal to build duplexes on lots zoned for one house statewide; it effectively ends single-family zoning!
SB 10 makes it easier for cities to approve zoning changes for small apartments in neighborhoods currently zoned for single houses.
SB 8 extends the "Housing Crisis Act of 2019" (SB 330)
AB 1174 makes important amendments to a previous law, SB 35
AB 602 reforms housing impact fees to make them more fair and transparent
SB 478 directs cities to stop using land use “tricks” to block multi-family housing that is otherwise legal.
Congrats to Rafa Sonnenfeld and Henry Hooker who were our chapter "All Stars" - they were active and regular advocates for these and other housing bills. If you have an interest in pushing the legislature to take the housing crisis seriously & act with urgency in the next legislative cycle, let us know!
Read more on the bills related to housing and homelessness signed by the Governor:
This month, let's look all around the county at what's happening....
Watsonville is looking to update its General Plan and faces two restrictions: land-use planning around the Airport with related litigation from the Watsonville Pilots Association (WPA) and Measure U which protects agricultural land (and is up for renewal)
Here's some news on divisive topics in Santa Cruz, including the Mixed-Use Library:
Who Really Supports Affordable Housing in Downtown Santa Cruz? | Good Times
Santa Cruz moves forward with master architect for library, housing project | Santa Cruz Sentinel
...those whose home is their RV:
...and 831 Water St and SB35 which is a relatively new law that streamlines approval of affordable housing projects.
The city of Capitola has produced one low-income, residential unit in the last decade. In an effort to get (some) affordable housing, Capitola recently took a look at their inclusionary requirements and raising in-lieu and impact fees. (Not making their jobs easier, they also approved a hotel which will require finding another place for a planned 61 affordable housing unit site):
Finding feasibility: Capitola refines housing ordinance – Santa Cruz Sentinel
Capitola leaders change affordable housing rules | Santa Cruz Local
Capitola Closes in on First Affordable Housing Project in Nearly a Decade | Good Times (Spoiler alert: the "project" appears to be the mall renovation)
Scotts Valley has permitted four low-income units in about six years. They are on the slow path, but here come another two (2) low income homes!
In slightly older news, Scotts Valley might extend where their inclusionary law applies:
A big topic right now in the county relates to rebuilding from the CZU fires and how to handle geological hazards.
CA eviction moratorium ended in Sept - what now?
On next week's BoS agenda: ADU policies....
UC students came back to the Santa Cruz housing crisis (is help on the way?)
Thousands of UC students struggle to find housing | Santa Cruz Sentinel
California commits $500 million more to student housing: ‘A drop in the bucket’ | CalMatters
UC Santa Cruz Long Range Development Plan (LRDP) is approved by Regents. It includes pledge to house 100% of student growth and be good stewards of water.
UC Regents approve 20-year growth plan of UC Santa Cruz | Santa Cruz Sentinel
Santa Cruz Long Range Development Plan draws critics | Santa Cruz Local This is a great overview of what's in the LRDP and some of growth issues and promises by the University.
What's the water situation and is growth really a factor? (according to the Water Dept: No)
Big Step Forward on Housing Elements
We have been talking about Housing Elements for the last few months. This important housing planning process (learn more here) took a big step at the end of August, when our region (Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments or AMBAG) received it’s Regional Housing Needs Determination (RHND) for the 6th cycle
This is the total number of housing units that must be planned for in Santa Cruz and Monterey counties. AMBAG is now working on how to assign specific numbers to each city and the two counties. How do these compare to the current (5th) cycle?
These numbers are 3.2x higher.
Read more: State aims to triple housing production in Santa Cruz, Monterey counties
What We Are Reading 📚
📣 FEATURED local voices 📣 Guest Commentary | Housing in Santa Cruz: Who benefits? by By Benjamin Breen and Roya Pakzad
Legislators seeking ideas to help solve housing crisis for farm and hospitality workers | Lookout Santa Cruz (Sept 30)
Gov. Newsom’s office launches $1.75 billion affordable housing fund | East Bay Times (Sept 17)
Courts step in to protect the Housing Accountability Act | CA State Attorney General Press Release (Sept 13)
To house the homeless, California must re-imagine housing | CalMatters (Aug 28)
Opinion:Vacant Nuance in the Vacant Housing Debate | Darrell Owens (Aug 27)
We can't beat the climate crisis without rethinking land use | Brookings (May 2021)
On-Street Parking Pricing | Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (Sept 2021) (NB: wonky, but interesting)
How to end the American obsession with driving | Vox (Sept 12)
What We Are Streaming 🎧
Up for Growth: Pro-Housing is Pro-Environment - panel discussion of the connections between housing and climate.
Vienna's Radical Idea? Affordable Housing For All - Vienna's strategy for affordable (and beautiful housing)