May 2023 Newsletter
May is Affordable Housing Month! Housing Santa Cruz County has a calendar full of events - special speakers, panels, tours, groundbreakings and celebrations! Check out the full calendar of events on Housing Santa Cruz County's website.
Our Featured Affordable Housing Month Events:
Saturday, May 6th for the kick off celebration and Saturday, May 13th for the Santa Cruz YIMBY Housing Element Bike tour. 🚲 🚲
Mark Your Calendar
Wed, May 3rd @ 5:30 - Community Meeting on 1800 Soquel There is a community meeting for the housing project proposed for 1800 Soquel Ave. This modular mixed-use development project would add 84 homes to this Eastside area located near Arana Gulch.
Wed, May 3rd @ 5:30 - Watsonville General Plan/Housing Element Workshop
Watsonville is holding a community discovery workshop for input on the future of the city. The workshop will be held virtually via Zoom on May 3, 2023 from 5:30-7:30PM . Spanish translation will be available. Watch the recorded meeting. More information on how to get involved is on this page, including an online community survey in English and Spanish .
Sat, May 6, 2023 from 12:30 PM - 3:30 PM - Affordable Housing Month Community Conversation & Celebration The kick off to Affordable Housing Month is a Community Conversation & Celebration at Cabrillo College's Samper Recital Hall. The keynote speaker is Shane Phillips, urban planner, policy expert, and author of The Affordable City: Strategies for Putting Housing Within Reach (and Keeping it There) Indoor capacity is limited. Please click here to register for this free event.
Sat, May 13, 2023, Santa Cruz Housing Element Bike Tour
meet @ 10:00 for ride, @ 11:45 for discussion
This Affordable Housing Month, join Santa Cruz YIMBY for coffee and a relaxed bike ride around Santa Cruz. The route will take us to a variety of sites the City is planning for housing to be built at over the next eight years. We will also discuss what a Housing Element is, why it is important, and how you can get involved! Our ride will conclude downtown with drinks and discussion. You are welcome to join for a portion or the entire event. More info and sign up here.
Meet: Cat & Cloud Westside @10am, depart @10:30
Conclude: Lupulo ~11:45 for drinks and discussion
Housing Element News
City of Santa Cruz - 1st draft released
In late March, the City of Santa Cruz released its first draft of Housing Element for public review and comment. In April, both the City Council and Planning Commission had a presentation and discussion on this draft and we expect a revision to be submitted to HCD soon. Santa Cruz YIMBY's comments on the draft can be found here.
Related: In the Public Interest: Is Santa Cruz’s housing plan too dependent on UCSC’s new development?
Scotts Valley - Joint Study Session held
In early April, Scotts Valley held a Joint Study Session for the city council and the Planning Commission. The discussion reviewed the following strategies and topics: projects in the entitlement pipeline, projected ADU development, existing zoning capacity, opportunity areas, and potential zoning code amendments. The contact for comments is Sahra Wikle, Senior Planner,
Capitola - upcoming hearing on May 4th and draft Housing Element expected May 8th
Capitola's Planning Commission will hear an update on the Housing Element this Thursday, May 4th. See agenda item 6.B for meeting material, including a full site inventory and explanation of a few sites. According to their schedules, a full draft Housing Element will be published for public review on May 8th.
Watsonville - upcoming workshop on May 3rd and new website
See above for the community workshop being held this week as well as the English and Spanish survey. Watsonville now has more online information about their Housing Element as part of their General Plan 2050 update. Check it out here.
Santa Cruz County - workgroups and public engagement
The stakeholder and community groups have been meeting throughout April. and there are other ways for the public to be involved - check out the county's Housing Element "Get Involved" page. (note the County planning staff will be at the Affordable Housing Month celebration on Sat, May 6th)
Other Housing News
Affordable Housing: MidPen's Bienestar Plaza in Live Oak now accepting applications!
Bienestar Plaza Family Apartments at 1500 Capitola Rd in Live Oak is now accepting applications. The Application Period will be open until May 12, 2023. This 56-unit property, spread among four buildings, offers mixed-use, affordable housing, loaded with amenities, for families and individuals, including those with supportive housing needs. Online applications are encouraged.
59 homes @ 1130 Mission St in Santa Cruz - There was a community meeting about the proposed development at 1130 Mission St. The new project proposes 59 new studio homes as well as space for the popular Food Bin and Herb Room to return. See the meeting recording here.
Related: Food Bin owners explain Santa Cruz housing proposal
276 homes @ 530 Front St in Santa Cruz - The Santa Cruz City Council on Tuesday approved a seven- and eight-story apartment complex at Front Street and Soquel Avenue in Downtown Santa Cruz. This proposed project will add 276 rental homes to Santa Cruz, ranging from studios to 1- and 2- bedroom units.
Related: Eight-story apartment complex approved on Front Street in Santa Cruz
Santa Cruz Metro gets $38.6M from the state to support Transit and Affordable Housing projects. In late April, Santa Cruz Metro announced the large state award which will go towards buses and fueling infrastructure, AND toward the redevelopment of METRO's Watsonville Transit Center and Pacific Station in downtown Santa Cruz to include mixed-use and 180 affordable housing units. 👏 👏 👏
This year, YIMBY Lobby Day will happen in person in the state capitol in Sacramento -- and you're invited to meet with your legislators. Sign up now to attend 2023 Lobby Day - a collaborative effort of the YIMBY movement designed to amplify our voices in the State Capitol. YIMBY Lobby Day will take place on June 5.