June 2021 Newsletter

We spent our last meeting (May 13) with Sarah Neuse from the Santa Cruz City Planning Department.  The topic was Objective Zoning Standards, and it was a dynamic discussion about design standards for multi-family buildings.

Easy Takeaway: Fill out this quick survey to “Define Santa Cruz Character”

Deadline: This Tuesday, June 1 (Do it now!)

Next Meeting - June 6 @ 2PM

Special Meeting for explaining the Housing Element Process and enlisting Housing Element Watchdogs.

We talked about the Housing Element process in last month’s newsletter. Our next meeting will primarily be a special meeting to explain the Housing element process and enlist Housing Element watchdogs. Watchdogs track Housing Element updates in one or more cities and advocate for good policies and fair housing values.

This meeting is for anyone who has already signed up to be a watchdog (great!), or who might be interested in being a watchdog.  We will look at the Housing Elements timeline and the tasks ahead of us.

As always, there will be a chance for members (and visitors) to raise and discuss other housing issues.

Register for Our June Housing Elements Meeting

Mark Your Calendar for YIMBY Events

  • June 1, 7:00-8:15PM - Santa Cruz YIMBY: Why is the Rent so Damn High? Introduction to YIMBY Movement. Register here.

  • June 22nd, 23rd, 24th YIMBY Lobby Week (part day) - This year there are bills to legalize duplexes, reduce the cost of housing, help get more Affordable Housing built, and so much more to help address California’s chronic housing shortage. Make your voice heard for a housing-first legislative agenda. RSVP here for June 22, 23, 24 YIMBY Lobby Week.

Focus on Zoning

Graphic of sayings that welcome density in our neighborhood: ADUs, renters, plexes

Exclusionary Zoning

Neighborhoods across America are defined by exclusion executed through zoning. Exclusionary zoning limits the type of housing that can be built in most “residential” areas, excluding multi-family housing like duplexes, and apartments. Exclusionary zoning might also set the minimum size of lots. This has resulted in homogenous neighborhoods and expensive housing.

Map showing 73% of Santa Cruz county and city zoned for detached single family homes

Map showing 73% of Santa Cruz county and city zoned for detached single family homes


How can we get more housing when so many lots are zoned for detached single-family homes?  Upzoning - and there are a few ways to get there.

ADUs and Junior ADUs

One way to add density on single-family lots is to add Accessory Dwelling Units (ADUs).  ADUs are popular throughout California, especially since a slew of state laws from 2019 and 2020 went into effect. These laws often allow for 3 units on a lot - the house, a regular ADU and a Junior ADU. These units often have the benefit of maintaining the existing appearance of a neighborhood, as they are limited in size.  ADUs still have some restrictions, including that they cannot be sold separately

Alfred Twu graphic of house, ADU and Junior ADU

Alfred Twu graphic of house, ADU and Junior ADU

Plexes and Lot Splits

Other efforts to upzone focus on the rules for lots zoned for single-family dwellings. Why should someone need to buy 6,000 square feet of land if they only want 1,000 square feet of house? Subdividing or allowing for multiple units (duplex, fourplex, etc) on a lot that otherwise would just have one house makes building more houses less expensive.

Alfred Twu graphic of small lot subdivision

Alfred Twu graphic of small lot subdivision

The "Missing Middle"

These approaches create more housing opportunities by addressing the “Missing Middle” and adding density. In Santa Cruz, density often evokes fears of towering buildings lining the coast. But many of our neighborhoods already have a blend of building types. Density means more homes for our neighbors. Here's a small sample of the array of multi-family homes around town:

Santa Cruz multi-family home examples

Santa Cruz multi-family home examples

Housing Legislation

There are several bills working through the Legislature this year that work to enable more housing thorough upzoning and density:

  • SB 9- Allows homeowners in most areas around the state to divide their property into two lots and it allows two homes to be built on each of those lots, with the effect of legalizing fourplexes in areas that previously only allowed one home. Status: Passed the Senate floor 28-6. State Senators Caballero and Laird both voted Yes.

  • SB 10 - Will allow local governments to adopt fourplex ordinances in a faster, less costly manner. Status: Out of committee and in floor process.

  • SB 478 - Will stop the misuse of floor area ratio and minimum lot size requirements that prevent the construction of multifamily buildings in areas already zoned to allow them. Status: Passed the Senate floor 28-5. State Senators Caballero and Laird both voted Yes.

  • AB 345 - Authorizes ADUs to be sold or conveyed separately from the primary residence to a qualified (low income) buyer. Status: Passed out of committees unanimously and is up for third reading in the Assembly.

  • AB 1401 will eliminate parking mandates for homes and commercial buildings near transit or in neighborhoods with low rates of car use. Status: Heading for vote on the floor - with lots of NIMBY engagement, which means grassroots YIMBY support is very important for legislators to hear.

Check out the full list of YIMBY supported legislation for 2021.

You can help boost housing legislation!

Members and volunteers in SC YIMBY can join the Rapid Response Team that dials into State Senate and Assembly committee hearings and other critical, urgent and time-sensitive actions as they arise to support or oppose key legislation. (Let us know if you’re interested; we’ll get you going.) 


You can also regularly contact your State Assemblymember and State Senator to let them know what housing bills you support. Look for our Action alerts in your email and make the call or send the email!

Groundbreaking, Grand Openings

Photos from 1500 Capitola Rd groundbreaking and 350 Ocean St grand opening

Photos from 1500 Capitola Rd groundbreaking and 350 Ocean St grand opening

What We Are Reading 📚

What We Are Streaming 🎧

Need new acronyms? (not approved for official YIMBY use 🤣)

  • CAVE: Citizens Against Virtually Everything

  • BANANA: Build Absolutely Nothing Anywhere Near Anyone


YIMBYs Across California Call on State Legislature to Act on Housing


RSVP for Virtual Lobby Week 2021!