Assembly: YES to Housing thru this Legislation

There are a number of housing bills that have passed the California Senate and are down the homestretch in the Assembly!  

We want our State Assemblymembers to vote on these housing bills because they align with our YIMBY platform:

  • Produce abundant housing now. We want homes people of all income levels can afford. We support walkable, bikeable communities by closely connecting where we live with where we work and play and go to school.

  • Protect renters and ensure that new developments occur without displacement and gentrification.

  • Respond to the climate crisis now by creating housing opportunities for Santa Cruz County's workforce near their jobs and schools.

  • Promote sustainable growth by increased density near transit, easier access to robust public transit, bicycle lanes, and protected pedestrian areas.

  • Advance policies that reduce permit processing times from months or years to weeks to build affordable homes now.

  • Promote equity through building affordable housing in all neighborhoods

Yes to People, Yes to Housing.  

Vote YES on:

✅ SB 9 - Allows homeowners to divide their property into two lots and allows two homes to be built on each of those lots.  

✅ SB 10 - Streamlines the planning process to allow cities to easily legalize buildings with 3-10 homes in non-sprawl areas.

✅ SB 477 - Collects data on state housing reforms - its just about collecting data!!

✅ SB 478 - Prevents cities from using technicalities like floor-area ratios to block multi-family homes.

✅ SCA 2 - Ends the racist prohibition of affordable housing in high opportunity communities by repealing Article 34.

Vote NO on:

🚫 ACA 7 (Oppose) - Empowers local NIMBYs to permanently shut their city to more housing, undoing years of effort by the state legislature and pro-housing advocates to end the housing shortage and affordability crisis.


State Senate: YES to Housing thru this Legislation


July 2021 Newsletter